The 5th Door : Pain To Passion With Janet Hogan

Ever wonder what that pit in your stomach is all about when you think of life after work, ?

Worried that after sacrificing all those years to your career, you could end up all alone? 

Do you ever look at where you are now and ask yourself…”Is that all there is?!” 

What if you could swap fear and uncertainty for joy and fulfillment?

What if you could attract whoever or whatever you needed in your life just by being who you are? 

What if you just had the courage to say, “Enough! I’m ready for change.” 

7 Modules

Module 1 : Your Crazy Loop

Ever feel like your life is stuck on repeat, you see yourself falling into the same old traps and wonder if you’ll ever get off this infernal hamster wheel?

If you’d like to understand why that is and how you can break free, you’ll find all laid out for you in Module 1, Your Crazy Loop

Module 2 : Your Bright Future

Have you ever done the exercise of planning for your ideal future but your mind keeps taking you back to where you want to be, who with, doing what, funded by how many dollars in the bank? 

If that sounds all too familiar, you’re probably playing too small. 

To identify the goals your doubting self might define as “impossible dreams” and actually achieve them, you first have to find out what your heart wants. 

It’s your heart, not your mind, that holds the key to unlocking your true potential. 

So if you’d like to find out just how big, joyful and unlimited your life could’re in just the right place. 

Module 3 : Meet Your Shadow

As a child, did you have an imaginary monster hiding beneath the bed?  Or lurking in the wardrobe?

As grown ups, we don’t admit to any such dark force and go about our business as if we’re fully in charge.

The problem is, the longer we keep running away from whatever scares us most, the more likely it will come back to haunt us. 

So what happens when we finally climb down into our inner basement and face our shadow, this least understood part of us? 

The outcome may surprise you.

Module 4 : Your Dark Past

What do you think of when you think of your childhood? 

Our conscious brain would prefer we restricted it to the happy memories, the memories typically captured in fading photos and smiling family portraits.

In Module 4, we start to reframe your childhood as a place of buried treasure. Buried because these are the painful memories. 

And treasure because when you bring them to the surface they hold the key to transformation. 

The gain is in the pain. 

What great treasure does your childhood contain?

Let’s start digging and find out.

Module 5: Your Core Destructive Belief

You know the expression “all roads lead to Rome”? 

This is where all the work you’ve done so far has been leading you to. 

An understanding of your Core Destructive Belief (CDB); the mental termite that has been eating away at the foundations of your inner peace and stopping you realising your full potential. 

In this module, you finally get to shine your torch on it and expose it for the imposter that it is. 

Module 6: Your Core Truths

Truth carries a special power when it has been concealed by a lie. 

Like any exposé or confession, when your Core Destructive Beliefs are reframed as Core Truths they are charged with a life affirming force that can be best described as passion. 

Indeed, the Latin origin of passion is “pati” meaning “to suffer”, hence the name of this program, Pain to Passion, ie passion born from suffering.

And so the speaker whose success was stifled by the lie of “I am of no value” can now see the truth that of course she is of value. More than that, she is now compelled to spare others the same suffering by helping them see that they too are of value.  

In this module, we reveal the truth that will fuel your life going forward. 

Module 7: Your Guiding Star

What if you could create a roadmap for your life going forward that kept you aligned with your true self and stopped you straying from your path? 

In this final module, we bring all the various pieces of your puzzle together to create just that: a 6 point road map designed to bring forth the star that you are. 

Welcome to this final module, Your Guiding Star. 

Modules for this program 7
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 Pain To Passion With Janet Hogan (One On One)
 $ 1,997.00 USD
 Session with Janet Hogan
 $ 250.00 USD

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